[R] Need help on data frame

Pratibha Murthy pratibha01in at yahoo.co.in
Sun Jun 8 18:37:57 CEST 2003

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am new in R.I have data corresponding to every day.
Problem is that there are some gap i.e. observation
couldn't be done on some particular day.

I want to place this data frame like exact data frame
(every year it will change, Feb 28 or feb29)

Maybe I need to make one coulmn of date (for each
year, say this dataframe 'frame1'), then I need to
place data set on frame1 with missing entry as NA.

Then I want to change this NA as mean of precceeding
and following entries (for EACH NA)

Hope it is possible by using R.  I will greatly
appreciate any help.


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