[R] LDA: normalization of eigenvectors (see SPSS)

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Sun Jun 8 17:56:04 CEST 2003

Hi, Christoph:

	  1.  I didn't see in your original email that you wanted V to be 
orthogonal, only that it's columns have length 1.  You have a solution 
satisfying the latter constraint, but not the former.

	  2.  I don't have time now to sort out the details, and I don't have 
them on the top of my head.  I just entered "lda" into R 1.6.2 [after 
library(MASS)] and got the following:

 > lda
function (x, ...)
     if (is.null(class(x)))
         class(x) <- data.class(x)
     UseMethod("lda", x, ...)

	  To decode 'UseMethod("lda", ...)', I requested 'methods("lda")' with 
the following result:

 > methods("lda")
[1] "lda.data.frame" "lda.default"    "lda.formula"    "lda.matrix"

	  Have you tried listing each of these 4 functions and working through 
them step by step?  I think this should answer your question.  Also see 
Venables and Ripley (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S, index entry 
for "lda".

hth.  spencer graves

Christoph Lehmann wrote:
 > thanks a lot, Spencer
 > The problem is the following: my textbook has an example with the data:
 > X> x
 >    x1 x2 x3
 > 1   3  3  4
 > 2   4  4  3
 > 3   4  4  6
 > 4   2  5  5
 > 5   2  4  5
 > 6   3  4  6
 > 7   3  4  4
 > 8   2  5  5
 > 9   4  3  6
 > 10  5  5  6
 > 11  4  5  7
 > 12  4  6  4
 > 13  3  6  6
 > 14  4  7  6
 > 15  6  5  6
 > --
 >  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
 >  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3
 > --
 >>Dtot <- (t(x)%*%x-t(xbar)%*%xbar)
 >             x1        x2        x3
 >   x1 17.733333  2.666667  4.866667
 >   x2  2.666667 17.333333  4.333333
 >   x3  4.866667  4.333333 16.933333
 > --
 >>A <- cbind(tapply(x[,1],y,sum), tapply(x[,2],y,sum),
 > tapply(x[,3],y,sum))
 >   [,1] [,2] [,3]
 > 1   18   24   29
 > 2   14   17   21
 > 3   21   29   29
 >>G <- apply(x,2,sum)
 > x1 x2 x3
 > 53 70 79
 >>p <- ncol(x)
 >>k <- length(freq)
 >>N <- sum(freq)
 >>Dtreat <- array(0,c(p,p))
 >>k <- length(freq)
 >>for (i in 1:p)
 > + {
 > +   for (j in 1:k)
 > +   {
 > +     for (h in 1:k)
 > +     {
 > +       Dtreat[i,j] <- Dtreat[i,j] + A[h,i]*A[h,j]/freq[h]
 > +     }
 > +     Dtreat[i,j] <- Dtreat[i,j] - G[i]*G[j]/N
 > +   }
 > + }
 >          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
 > [1,] 3.933333 5.966667 3.166667
 > [2,] 5.966667 9.783333 4.783333
 > [3,] 3.166667 4.783333 2.550000
 > --
 >>Derror <- Dtot-Dtreat
 >        x1    x2       x3
 >   x1 13.8 -3.30  1.70000
 >   x2 -3.3  7.55 -0.45000
 >   x3  1.7 -0.45 14.38333
 > --
 > $values
 > [1]  2.300398e+00  2.039672e-02 -1.907034e-15
 > $vectors
 >            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
 > [1,] -0.4870772  0.6813155 -0.6076020
 > [2,] -0.7809602 -0.4342229  0.1539928
 > [3,] -0.3909693  0.5892874  0.7791701
 >>V <- eigen(Dtreat%*%solve(Derror))$vectors
 >            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
 > [1,] -0.4870772  0.6813155 -0.6076020
 > [2,] -0.7809602 -0.4342229  0.1539928
 > [3,] -0.3909693  0.5892874  0.7791701
 > the textbook (SPSS) has similar eigenvalues, but only two!:
 > lambda1 = 2.30048, lambda2 = 0.02091
 > , but as I wrote in the last mail: different eigenvectors
 > Let's start here with your recommendation:
 > first, it seems, since the last eigenvalue is almost 0, that the
 > eigenvectors V are not orthogonal:
 >            [,1]        [,2]        [,3]
 > [1,]  1.0000000 -0.22313575 -0.12894473
 > [2,] -0.2231357  1.00000000 -0.02168078
 > [3,] -0.1289447 -0.02168078  1.00000000
 > let's continue anyway?
 >>D.5 <- chol(Derror)
 >>t(D.5) %*% D.5
 >        x1    x2       x3
 >   x1 13.8 -3.30  1.70000
 >   x2 -3.3  7.55 -0.45000
 >   x3  1.7 -0.45 14.38333
 >>Dm.5 <- solve(D.5)
 >>t(Dm.5) %*% Derror %*% Dm.5
 >                 x1            x2            x3
 >   x1  1.000000e+00 -2.523481e-17 -1.097755e-18
 >   x2 -6.625163e-18  1.000000e+00 -2.120970e-18
 >   x3  4.501901e-18  4.460942e-19  1.000000e+00
 > perfectly orthogonal
 >              [,1]        [,2]        [,3]
 >   [1,]  1.0000000 -0.22313575 -0.12894473
 >   [2,] -0.2231357  1.00000000 -0.02168078
 >   [3,] -0.1289447 -0.02168078  1.00000000
 > again, equals t(V)%*%V not orthogonal.
 > -- I think it has to do with the fact, that the textbook considers the
 > third eigenvalue as = 0 and then gets the Vstar eigenvectors (which I
 > try to reproduce:
 > Vstar =
 >              [,1]        [,2]        [,3]
 >   [1,]  0.1689     0.1419     -0.1825
 >   [2,]  0.3498    -0.1597      0.0060
 >   [3,]  0.0625     0.1422      0.2154
 > -
 > Spencer if you find some minutes time to help me reproduce this example,
 > it would be very nice (the data are from Jones 1961. He investigated
 > whether essays written by children from lower, middle, upper class
 > differ in sentence length, choosen words, complexity of sentence)
 > Cheers
 > Christoph
	  The following satisfies some of your constraints but I don't
know if it satisfies all of them.

	  Let V = eigenvectors normalized so t(V) %*% V = I.  Also, let
D.5 = some square root matrix, so t(D.5) %*% D.5 = Derror, and Dm.5 =
solve(D.5) = invers of D.5.  The Choleski decomposition ("chol")
provides one such solution, but you can construct a symmetric square
root using "eigen".  Then Vstar = Dm.5%*%V will have the property you
mentioned below.

	  Consider the following:

  > (Derror <- array(c(1,1,1,4), dim=c(2,2)))
       [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    1
[2,]    1    4
  > D.5 <- chol(Derror)
  > t(D.5) %*% D.5
       [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    1
[2,]    1    4
  > (Dm.5 <- solve(D.5))
       [,1]       [,2]
[1,]    1 -0.5773503
[2,]    0  0.5773503
  > (t(Dm.5) %*% Derror %*% Dm.5)
       [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    0
[2,]    0    1

	  Thus,t(Vstar)%*%Derror%*%Vstar =  t(V)%*%t(Dm.5)%*%Derror%*%Dm.5%*%V
= t(V)%*%V = I.

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Christoph Lehmann wrote:
 > Hi dear R-users
 > I try to reproduce the steps included in a LDA. Concerning the 
eigenvectors there is
 > a difference to SPSS. In my textbook (Bortz)
 > it says, that the matrix with the eigenvectors
 > V
 > usually are not normalized to the length of 1, but in the way that the
 > following holds (SPSS does the same thing):
 > t(Vstar)%*%Derror%*%Vstar = I
 > where Vstar are the normalized eigenvectors. Derror is an "error" or
 > "within" squaresum- and crossproduct matrix (squaresum of the p
 > variables on the diagonale, and the non-diagonal elements are the sum of
 > the crossproducts). For Derror the following holds: Dtotal = Dtreat +
 > Derror.
 > Since I assume that many of you are familiar with this transformation:
 > can anybody of you tell me, how to conduct this transformation in R?
 > Would be very nice. Thanks a lot
 > Cheers
 > Christoph

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