[R] data.frame subsetting

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Thu Jul 24 17:21:57 CEST 2003

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 16:27:28 +0200, Dirk Repsilber
<dirk.repsilber at gmx.de> wrote :

>is there advice how to subset a data.frame, where until R version 1.7.0 
>it was possible to write
> > data[["subset"]]
>which meant the same as
> > data$subset
>(data is a data.frame). From 1.7.1 on this does not seem to work longer. 
>Could there be a bug in downwards compatibility?

What are you trying to achieve?  The notation you give still works if
"subset" is one of the column names; I don't think it ever worked if
"subset" was a logical vector, like its name would suggest.

Duncan Murdoch

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