[R] nearest neighbour interpolation

Matthew Oliver oliver at imcs.rutgers.edu
Thu Jan 30 15:55:03 CET 2003

Dear Help List,

My name is Matt Oliver. I have been using R for about a year and find it very 
helpful. However, I have a need for a function that I cannot find. I am not very 
good at programming so I thought I would ask the group.

I have an irregular grid of data (x = Longitude, y = Latitude). Each pair of my x,y 
has a categorical value. Obviously linear or any other numerically based 
interpolation on categorical data does not make sense, so I want to use a nearest 
neighbor interpolation so that I can extrapolate my irregular grid to a regular grid 
of Longitude and Latitude.

Please help!

Thanks again

Matt Oliver
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
07728 oliver at imcs.rutgers.edu

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