[R] help.start() setup with netscape

Sam McClatchie s.mcclatchie at niwa.co.nz
Thu Jan 16 23:08:02 CET 2003

System info:
Mandrake 9.0
R Version 1.6.1
ESS 5.1.21
Emacs 21.2.1


I understand that help.start() search function works with netscape and 
although it may also work with latest versions of mazilla it doesn't 
seem to with the one I'm using (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; 
rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826). I thought that there were instructions for 
setting up the browser for help.start() in the Mandrake-Readme.txt at 
<http://www.cran.r-project.org/>, but that seems to be gone now (or 
perhaps I am mistaken that it was ever there?).

Please can you tell me where to find the setup to specify netscape as 
the browser that R uses? I want to keep mozilla as my primary browser.

Best fishes

Sam McClatchie, Research scientist (fisheries acoustics))))))))))
NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd)
PO Box 14 901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand
s.mcclatchie at niwa.cri.nz
Research home page <http://www.smcc.150m.com/>
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