[R] Windows build of 1.6.2 uploaded to CRAN

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Sat Jan 11 20:02:12 CET 2003

I've just uploaded the build of the new R 1.6.2 release to CRAN.  It
will soon be visible there in 


and by Monday should be available on all the mirrors.

See the CHANGES file for windows-specific news about this release.  A
number of minor bugs have been fixed.

One change should help in debugging external code:  dyn.load now
checks whether or not the DLL it just loaded has messed with the
floating point control word.  This may turn up bugs in old code that
have been hidden for a long time, since the effects of an FPU control
word change are fairly subtle. 

It is also likely to turn up cases where video drivers are messing
with the FPU control word.  

If you see messages like

>Warning message: 
>DLL attempted to change FPU control word from 8001f to 9001f

look at the dyn.load help file, and if you still don't know how to fix
it, feel free to write to me for help.

Duncan Murdoch

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