[R] Errors running R in Batch mode under Win2000

Wolfgang Scherr wscherr at itc-world.com
Wed Jan 8 15:19:27 CET 2003

I have made many different attempts to run a R program in Batch mode. I run a DOS command like:

C:\Progra~1\R\rw1061\bin\rterm.exe  -q --no-restore --no-save   myprogram.R  out.txt

What happens:
1. DOS Shell starts up well
2. R starts
3. I get the messages:
    "ARGUMENT 'myprogram.R' __ignored__"
    "ARGUMENT 'out.txt' __ignored__"
4. R Shell is ready to roll (which is nice, but not what I intended to get)

Help is greatly appreciated: how can I start myprogram.R?

Wolfgang Scherr
Innovative Transportation Concepts, Inc.
302-654-4384 phone
wscherr at itc-world.com

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