[R] RODBC connection failed

Charles Raux charles.raux at let.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr
Fri Feb 14 17:21:20 CET 2003

I am trying to restart on R after 2 months stop. Start with previously 
functioning procedure:
"ch<-odbcConnect("dBase Files")"
"Warning message: 
ODBC connection failed in: odbcConnect("dBase Files") "
I have tried unsuccessfully different working directories.
The only change I see is that I am working with a new login account on 
the same machine. Microsoft ODBC is still here in c:\WINNT\system32.
What is wrong?
Charles Raux

Charles RAUX,
Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports
CNRS-Université Lumière Lyon 2-ENTPE
email : charles.raux at let.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr

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