[R] Sweave/LaTeX Problem with EPS PDF

Harold Doran hdoran at nasdc.org
Sun Dec 21 03:35:56 CET 2003

Dear List:
I am unsure if my problem is with Sweave or LaTeX. Anyhow, I am using the MikTeX distribution and TexnicCenter. 
I can easily create Sweave files and all goes well until I try to incorporate graphics. I use the same code as found in the examples found in the users manual. 
In R, the graphics I want are created as Sweave is creating the .tex file. When I examine the .tex file created by Sweave, it includes the includegraphics{} statement needed. 
When I run LaTeX on the .tex file, everything works except that the graphics I want are not displayed. 
However, when I examine the pdf or eps files created, there is nothing there. When I view the EPS using Ghostview, the file is empty, but there appears to be a bounding box surrounding nothing. When I open the pdf graphic, there is nothing there either. I have tried creating both dvis and pdf files. Again, text works perfectly, but graphics do not work.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Many thanks,

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