[R] Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel problem

Knut M. Wittkowski kmw at mail.rockefeller.edu
Thu Dec 11 15:12:50 CET 2003

Hi Arne,

This seems to be more a statistics than an R problem.

Let's assume, one stratum is male and the other is female, and that you are 
giving estrogen. With women, it may be better to have more estrogen, with 
men to have less. Thus, if you recode

         women:  (more estrogen/less estrogen) -> (more appropriate/less 
         men:    (more estrogen/less estrogen) -> (less appropriate/more 

and if this reflects your hypothesis, it will solve your problem.


At 14:42 2003-12-11 +0100, you wrote:
>I've tried to analyze some data with a CMH test. My 3 dimensional contingency
>tables are 2x2xN where N is usually between 10 and 100.
>The problem is that there may be 2 strata with opposite counts (the 2x2
>contigency table for these are reversed), producing opposite odds ratios that
>cancle out in the overall statistics. These opposite counts are very
>important for my analysis, since they account for a dramatic difference.
>Could you recommend alternative tests that take account for opposite counts?
>Would you suggest a different strategy to analyze such data?
>         thanks a lot for your suggestions,
>         Arne
>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

Knut M. Wittkowski, PhD,DSc
The Rockefeller University, GCRC
Experimental Design and Biostatistics
1230 York Ave #121B, Box 322, NY,NY 10021
+1(212)327-7175, +1(212)327-8450 (Fax)
kmw at rockefeller.edu

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