[R] nested aov: plot available?

Pascal.Niklaus@unibas.ch Pascal.Niklaus at unibas.ch
Thu Dec 11 09:53:25 CET 2003

Hi all,

I wonder whether, for an anova with multiple error strata, it is possible to
produce the same diagnostoc plots than with a single-stratum anova.

I can extract the residuals for each stratum with e.g.
  > resid(split1.aov[["block:plot"]])
  > resid(split1.aov[["Within"]])
and then produce qqnorm plots etc manually, but is it possible to get all the
plots (residuals vs fitted, cook's distance etc) by stratum with a single plot
command as with the single-stratum call to aov ? Or is there a reason why I
wouldn't want to do this?

Thanks for your help


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