[R] How can I call R from Java or C?

Aylin Yilmaz aylin at ncmir.ucsd.edu
Wed Dec 10 23:47:39 CET 2003

Hi all,
I am new to R. I have been looking for a way to call R functions from
Java or C.

What I have found so far is: I can execute R commands in batch mode from a
file and redirect the output to another file. However, I am not sure this
is the way to do it.

About C, is it true that I can only call R from a C process,only if that C
process is invoked within R itself? So is it R->C->R ?

If I could call R from C, then I could possibly call C from Java using
JNI (i am not sure exactly how well that will work)

If you have any suggestions for R's interface that would be really nice.


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