[R] GUI\'s for R

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at medanalytics.com
Fri Dec 5 18:15:50 CET 2003

On Fri, 2003-12-05 at 10:34, paradis at univ-montp2.fr wrote:
  Marc Schwartz wrote:
> > Rgui.exe is the Windows 'front end' environment for R that provides a
> > command line console for entering commands to the R interpreter, seeing
> > the textual output of those commands and for displaying the output of
> > plots. It supports a MDI/SDI type of interface. It does have some menus
> > for simple operations (like installing and updating packages) but not
> > for performing analyses. It is Windows OS only.
> There is a very similar "GUI" under Linux that runs under the Gnome
> desktop environment, and I believe Gnome can run under SunOS.

Yeah...you need to compile from source and use the

./configure --with-gnome

option to get it.  I tried that once some time ago. Like RGui.exe under
Windows, IIRC, it provides some basic menus for package installation,

It does not however provide any access to analytic/plotting functions.
More information is available in the R-admin manual.

Best regards,


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