[R] Rd Files?

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Tue Dec 2 17:09:49 CET 2003

On 01 Dec 2003 22:15:57 +0100, Peter Dalgaard
<p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk> wrote :

>Just one thing to add: If Wolski gets sufficiently annoyed to actually
>try and do this right, he'll want a naming scheme that works on *all*
>platforms, so branching on sys.info()["sysname"]=="Windows" is surely

Probably the right way to do it is to write a Sys.legal.filenames()
function that takes a vector of strings and creates legal filenames
out of them.  I'm not sure what optional args it would want, but
possibilities are

  - Avoid existing filenames.
  - Do it in a certain path.
  - Do it in a way that's likely to be portable to other systems.
  - Create filenames that are convenient, not just legal (e.g. even on
Unix, don't allow asterisks or other characters that shells pay
attention to; on Windows, avoid embedded spaces, etc.).

Duncan Murdoch

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