[R] help with random numbers and Rmpi

Na Li nali at biostat.umn.edu
Tue Dec 2 06:32:26 CET 2003

On 1 Dec 2003, Faheem Mitha spake thusly:
>  I am trying to get a simple program working using Rmpi with the model of 1
>  R master and n C slaves. What I am trying to do is have each of the C
>  slaves generate a random number from U[0,1], and then have the master
>  collect all n numbers as a vector and output it. However even doing this
>  is rather over my head. I'm trying to use rsprng and sprng, but I am sure
>  what I am currently doing is wrong.
>  *************************************************************************
>  rand.R
>  *************************************************************************
>  library(Rmpi)
>  rand <- function ()
>  {
>  if (mpi.comm.size(1) > 1)
>  stop ("It seems some slaves running on comm 1.")
>  mpi.comm.spawn("./rand")
>  mpi.intercomm.merge(2,0,1)
>X  mpi.init.sprng()
>X  free.sprng() #does this function exist here?

I'm not familiar with Rmpi code.  But here you don't need call any SPRNG
function.  Instead, generate a seed (an integer) can pass it on to the
>  rdata <- double(sum(mpi.comm.size(1)))
>  out <- mpi.gather(0, 2, rdata) ##this isn't right
>  mpi.comm.free()
>  out
>  }
>  *************************************************************************
>  rand.c
>  *************************************************************************
>  #include <mpi.h>
>  #include <sprng.h>
>  int main(int argc, char **argv)
>  {
>  double rand;
>  double* randarray;
>  MPI_Comm slavecomm, all_processes;
>  /*Initialize MPI*/
>  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
>  MPI_Comm_get_parent(&slavecomm);
>  MPI_Intercomm_merge(slavecomm, 1, &all_processes);
>  /*How many processes are there?*/
>  MPI_Comm_size(all_processes, &size);
>  /*Which one am I?*/
>  MPI_Comm_rank(all_processes, &rank);
>X  init_sprng()
>X  rand = sprng();
>X  free.sprng()

Receive the seed from the master and call

   int * stream_id;

   stream_id = init_sprng (gtype, rank, size, seed, param);

where gtype and param can be predefined or got from the master as well.

Now you can generate random numbers by:

   rand = sprng (stream_id);
   free_sprng (stream_id);

>  randarray = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*size);
>  /*Gather random numbers from all C slave processes*/
>  /* Using randarray doesn't make sense since this should correspond
>  to the rdata vector in the R master process */
>  MPI_GAther(&rand, 1, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, randarray, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0,
>  all_processes);
>  /*All done*/
>  MPI_Comm_free(&all_processes);
>  MPI_Finalize();
>  exit(0);
>  }

There is nothing mysterious about the MPI code in SPRNG, don't use it.
Generating and passing seeds around yourself.


Na (Michael) Li, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Biostatistics, University of Minnesota
A443 Mayo Bldg, MMC 303         Phone: (612) 626-4765
420 Delaware St SE              Fax:   (612) 626-0660

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