[R] Six axis y with axis function?

solares@unsl.edu.ar solares at unsl.edu.ar
Fri Aug 29 17:03:46 CEST 2003


I am trying to plot a time serie of six colum of data sets on one plot but 
with using a different y-axis ranges for each - preferably with one shown 
on each side of the graph.  I'm trying with axis function but not good luck
i will for each they plot with our proper scale and range for example

time      A    B    C...etc
08:00:01  1000  15  2
08:00:02  2200  17  5
08:00:03  2500  19  7
...plot.ts(..);axis(what parameter?)
How i'cant plot six axis with your proper scale and range?
thanks. Ruben

Is there a function that will allow me to do this

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