[R] New package: normalp
Elio Mineo
mineoeli at unipa.it
Mon Apr 14 16:54:48 CEST 2003
Dear All,
a new package, called normalp, is on the CRAN web site.
This package contains a collection of utilities refered to a normal of
order p distribution, also known as General Error Distribution.
This is the content of the INDEX file:
dnormp Density function of a Normal of Order p
estimatep Estimation of p.
graphnp Plot of Normal of order p distributions.
kurtosis Indexes of kurtosis.
lmp Fitted linear model with normal of order p errors.
paramp Estimation of location and scale parameters.
plot.lmp Diagnostic plots for an lmp object.
plot.simul.lmp Plots of the results of a simulation plan on a
linear regression model.
plot.simul.mp Plots of the results of a simulation plan on the
of a normal of order p distribution.
pnormp Probability Function of a Normal of Order p
qnormp Quantiles of a Normal of Order p Distribution.
qqnormp Quantile-Quantile plot for a normal of order p
rnormp Pseudo-random numbers from a Normal of Order p
simul.lmp Simulation planning for a linear regression
model with errors distributed as a Normal of
Order p.
simul.mp Simulation planning for the parameters of a
normal of order p
summary.lmp Summarize linear model fits with normal of order
p errors.
summary.simul.lmp Summarize simulation results on linear
regression model.
Any comment or suggestion is graetly appreciated.
I hope this package can be useful for the R comunity.
Angelo M. Mineo
Prof. Angelo M. Mineo
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematiche "Silvio Vianelli"
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze
90128 Palermo
URL: http://dssm.unipa.it/elio
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