[R] Problems with Mac OS X Beta 3 display?

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Sat Apr 5 01:39:12 CEST 2003

On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Katalin  Csillery wrote:

> But form apple X11 public Beta 0.3 I get the following error messages,
> > library(boot)
> Attaching package `boot':
>         The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv :
>          boot

This message means that you have something called `boot' in your workspace
that will override the bootstrap function, and is probably causing the
error. In any case, it makes it very hard to diagnose the error.

I don't have any trouble with this example using version 0.2.1 of Apple's
X11 server, and since the example doesn't use any graphics it would be
surprising (though not completely impossible) for X11 to be the problem.

Try the example in a clean R workspace (if you are starting R from the
command line then type

	R --vanilla

to start R without loading any previous workspace.


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