[R] Plotting continuous line types w/large datasets

Richard Liston liston at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Nov 25 20:17:43 CET 2002

Hi, R-Folks,

I have 3 large datasets that I combined in a single plot with


The datasets are very similar, so it is difficult to get visual
separation among them. I tried many different line types without
success -- the lines all came out solid. Checking further, plot.ecdf()
calls plot.stepfun(), which calls segments() between each pair of
points to plot. Since the points are so close together the lty
parameter becomes meaningless, which is why the lines come out solid.
I modified plot.stepfun() to call lines() for the whole vector of
points, but this didn't seem to help. So my question is: is there a
call I can make to plot a large dataset where the specified line type
gets "continued" through all the points? Or perhaps someone can suggest
a workaround.


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