[R] Plotting in the margin

Christopher Adolph cadolph at fas.harvard.edu
Sat Nov 16 00:59:51 CET 2002


I would like to place a line (tilted at an angle) in the margin of an R
plot.  Is there any way to place such an annotation outside the plotting

As an alternative, being able to plot a rotated character (the pipe, |) in
the margin would be sufficient.  The problem is that mtext doesn't work
with the srt option.

As a further alternative, if I could put a legend in the margin, I could
use the text command within the legend, and then srt would work (I've
checked, and text("|",srt=x) seems to work for various values of x besides
multiples of 90).  But I don't know how to put a legend in the margin

Does anyone see how to make any of these approaches work?  Or perhaps
there is yet another alternative?


Chris Adolph

Dept. of Government
Harvard University

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