[R] 3D graphics with R
A.J. Rossini
rossini at blindglobe.net
Sun May 19 00:54:42 CEST 2002
>>>>> "jonathan" == Jonathan Baron <baron at cattell.psych.upenn.edu> writes:
jonathan> On 05/18/02 23:25, Johannes Schulte wrote:
>> Is there any graphical frontend/secondary programm (freely availible for
>> Windowsor Linux) which can be used with R to display the results of a
>> principle component analysis in 3D space (rotatable!?)? It works with
>> Spotfire, but is there any freely or cheaply availible programmß
jonathan> I don't think so. But take a look at biplot in the mva package,
jonathan> which produces VERY interesting plots in _two_ dimensions, and
jonathan> the xgobi package, which produces 3D plots that can be rotated
jonathan> (as I recall - I find these too mind-boggling to deal with, so I
jonathan> don't use it anymore). Perhaps you can make a "triplot"
jonathan> function.
jonathan> For data with more than 2 dimensions, I find "matplot" (in the
jonathan> base package) to be more useful than xgobi (at least for my small
jonathan> brain, which has trouble visualizing in 3D). I haven't thought
jonathan> about how to use this to display principal components, but I'm
jonathan> sure there is a way (with loadings()).
The ROrca package can also be used to display, brush, and manipulate
projections from higher dimensional space to 3d. None explicitly work
with PCA, though it wouldn't be hard to code up what it would take to
make it work.
Info on Orca is at
while the ROrca link (requires SJava from Omegahat)is at
It's not "finished", though the examples work for nearly all people
that I've heard from.
A.J. Rossini Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics rossini at u.washington.edu
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net rossini at scharp.org
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