[R] Problem with line segments in a dotplot

Deepayan Sarkar deepayansarkar at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 28 00:16:59 CET 2002

Due to incompatibility in base R graphics and grid graphics (which underlies
lattice plots), functions like segments cannot be directly used. Alternatives
for them have to be written using grid. There are already some such functions,
in particular, the lsegments() function should do what you want.

--- Mitch Dawson <MDawson at cihi.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a dotplot with dots (to represent a starting date) and
> lines to represent a length of stay. The code below works except the line I
> expect from the segments function.  Almost positive that this worked on
> Splus in the past...
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Mitch Dawson.
> ## using rw1041 -- windows
> library(date)
> library(lattice)
> "ED" <-
> structure(list(Resident.ID = c(490799, 490799, 490799, 490799, 
> 490799, 490799, 490975, 491024, 491454, 491509, 491663, 491663, 
> 491663, 491874, 492323, 492354, 492386, 492394, 492449, 492683
> ), AB1.Date.Of.Entry = structure(c(13370, 13509, 13583, 13629, 
> 13867, 13954, 13492, 14381, 13622, 13845, 14062, 14074, 14091, 
> 14014, 13976, 13358, 14285, 13815, 14332, 13886), class = "date"), 
>     R4.Discharge.Date = structure(c(13379, 13523, 13588, 13635, 
>     13880, 13958, 13513, 14494, 13631, 13883, 14066, 14090, 14101, 
>     14040, 13982, 13360, 14384, 13843, 14364, 13901), class = "date")),
> .Names = c("Resident.ID", 
> "AB1.Date.Of.Entry", "R4.Discharge.Date"), row.names = c("1", 
> "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", 
> "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20"), class = "data.frame")
> dotplot( Resident.ID ~ AB1.Date.Of.Entry, data=ED, col="black",
>     panel=function(x,y, Discharge.Date=ED$R4.Discharge.Date, ...) { 
>     panel.dotplot(x,y, ...)
>     trellis.par.set( "dot.line", list(col="black",lty=2,lwd=1) )
>     segments( x,y, Discharge.Date, y, col="black", lty=1, lwd=2 )
>  } )
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