[R] Barnard's sequential t-test code ?

KINLEY_ROBERT@lilly.com KINLEY_ROBERT at lilly.com
Fri Mar 8 12:23:21 CET 2002

Does anyone have, or know of, some S or R code to implement 
the sequential t-test ?

The test is outlined in Kendall & Stuart vol 2A, ch 24, and a 'how 
to do it' with a set of tables is given in 'Design & Analysis of 
Industrial Experiments'  ( O.L.Davies).

I'm interested in obtaining/creating an Splus or R application which
calculates the upper and lower curves appropriate for arbitrary 
choices of alpha , Beta and mean-shift. 

Can anyone give me any pointers ?

                ta      Bob
Robert D. Kinley
Site Statistician
Eli Lilly & co
Speke, UK
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