[R] Transpose a dataframe

Jonathan Baron baron at cattell.psych.upenn.edu
Fri Jun 28 18:29:45 CEST 2002

On 06/28/02 17:57, Patrick Hausmann wrote:
>I would like to switch this dataframe:
>> k
>    country  1960  1961  1962  1963
>99      ARG  7493  7733  7581  7108
>246     AUS 10484 10342 10809 11357
>295     AUT  7438  7808  7938  8212
>393     BDI   587   502   555   608
>442     BEL  8223  8638  9021  9311
>in this structure:
>1960	7493	10484	7438	587	8223
>1961	7733	10342	7808	502	8638
>1962	7581	10809	7938	555	9021
>1963	7108	11357	8212	608	9311
>I'm trying the 'reshape' and 't' command, but still failed.

t() likes to have a matrix, not a data frame.  So you can say
something like


Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
R page:               http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/
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