[R] Using R under Emacs

JIRUŠE Marek jiruse at incoma.cz
Tue Jan 15 14:58:49 CET 2002

Dear R-help,

I would like to use R 1.3.0 under emacs-20.7. with the help of
ess-5.1.19 in the windows system. I downloaded the ess-5.1.19 and tried
to follow instructions strictly.  

1.     cd to a directory where you keep emacs lisp files
-------------> no question

2.     Retrieve the compressed the
        zipped file `ESS-5.1.19.zip' from one of the FTP.
-------------> no question

3.     Extract the files from the distribution
        (or: from the zip file: `unzip ESS-5.1.19.zip')
-------------> no question

4.     Windows users will usually be able to use the
-------------> no question
       `lisp/ess-site.el'      as distributed. 

5.   Windows users will need to make sure that the directories
     for the software they will be using is in the PATH
     environment variable.  On Windows 9x, add lines similar to
     the following to your      `c:\autoexec.bat'      file:
      path=%PATH%;c:\progra~1\spls2000\cmd     -------------> It likely
concerns to path to R program (?), so I added
into autoexec.bat location of R (C:\Program Files\R\rw1030\bin)

6.       Add the line (load "/PATH/ess-site")
          to your .emacs (or _emacs) file (or default.el or
     site-init.el, for      a site-wide installation).  Replace `/PATH'
     above with the      value of ess-lisp-directory as defined in
     `ess-site.el'.  Use      forwardslashes `/'.
-------------> I found default.el where I added the line 

     If you wish to run R, you can start it with:
--------------> did not work in emacs
                    	M-x R

Thank you for your help. I am sorry if it is trivial for I am rather
beginner with the mentioned software.

Marek Jiruse 
Incoma, Czech republic

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