[R] ? Nice colors for lattice?
Peter Malewski
malewski.peter at mh-hannover.de
Tue Feb 26 12:32:33 CET 2002
Thanks Martin,
"white.bg" looks much better. "bw" seems to have a problem:
> lset(theme="bw")
Error in trellis.par.set("background", list(col = bg)) :
Object "bg" not found
> traceback()
2: trellis.par.set("background", list(col = bg))
1: lset(theme = "bw")
Perhaps I'll try to create my own themes (when I've time). Wouldn't
it be usefull if the themes are stored in a special objects where a
user can easy modify or create a new theme? Now I have to change the
lset-function by hand (or create a file with settings).
On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 11:58:02AM +0100, Martin Maechler wrote:
> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Malewski <malewski.peter at mh-hannover.de> writes:
> Peter> Just a quick question: Does anybody has a nice
> Peter> palette ( yes, I know that this isn't the right
> Peter> lattice-command) for lattice? I'm just making some
> Peter> graphs for a poster-presentation and I'm don't really
> Peter> like these trellice colors.
> Doug Bates recently mentioned (not on R-help) :
> DBates> but I wanted to remind everyone that
> DBates> grid/lattice now has "themes". Try
> library(lattice)
> show.settings()
> lset(theme = 'white.bg')
> show.settings()
> I hope this helps you further.
> Martin
P.Malewski, Limmerstr.47, 30451 Hannover, 0511-2135008
At work: http://www.MH-Hannover.de 0511 532 3194 / Fax: 0511 532 3190,
P.Malewski at tu-bs.de, peter.malewski at gmx.de, malewski.peter at mh-hannover.de.
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