[R] nlme - Variance Estimation
Susanne Schwenke
ml-r-help at epigenomics.com
Thu Feb 21 15:37:44 CET 2002
Dear R-help group,
I have a two-way ANOVA with two crossed
random factors, no nesting. Each factor has
three levels, resulting in 9 cells for the
experiment. Each cell contains 10 repetitions.
According to the ANOVA model I assume equal
variances for all levels per factor.
I would like to get REML-estimates for the
variances of the two factors and moreover
get confidence intervals for these estimates,
so the use of the nlme-package seems to be
a good idea.
My problem in the first place is to formulate
the model itself for the lme-function.
The fixed part would at most consist of
the intercept, resulting in
fixed= response ~ 1
and the random part would be
random = ~ a + b
but I have no idea what my gouping factor
there should be.
Could somebody please point me in the
right direction ?
Sorry if this turns out to be an extremely
simple question, I'm a newbie to R ...
Many greetings,
Susanne Schwenke
Epigenomics AG www.epigenomics.com Kastanienallee 24
+4930243450 10435 Berlin
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