[R] importing images

Herve Cardot cardot at toulouse.inra.fr
Wed Feb 20 13:26:30 CET 2002

I would like to import "tif" images in R and I do not find any
function that can do that. In Matlab there exists the  function "imread"

that can read the most known images format. Does a similar function
exist for R ?

Thanks in advance

Unite Biometrie et Intelligence Artificielle, INRA Toulouse
BP 27,  31326 Castanet-Tolosan cedex, France.
Tel: (+33) mailto:Herve.Cardot at toulouse.inra.fr
Page Equipe: http://www.inra.fr/bia/T/modelisation/Doc/
Page Perso:  http://www.inra.fr/bia/T/cardot/

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