Henrik Bengtsson
hb at maths.lth.se
Thu Feb 7 21:41:24 CET 2002
Thank you David Brahm, David Eppstein, Frank E Harrell Jr, Markus Jantti and
Roger Koenker for your replies. All of you were focusing on weighted
quantiles of which the weighted median is a special case. Your comments and
your code made me really get into the definition of the weighted median,
which is what I am really interested in since I want to minimize the
f(x) = a|x| + sum_{k=1}^n |x - b_k|
I pulled out the core of your codes and wrote my own
weighted.median(x, w, na.rm=TRUE, ties=NULL)
function, which I hope is optimized for speed (for the same reasons that
median is not calling quantile). Also, I never implemented support for
negative weights.
I have cut-n-pasted the code to the end of this message. As you see from the
examples and the code, I have also tried to make it bullet proof, which
might cost a little bit more than ignoring them. If someone can come up with
a better name on the argument 'ties' (adapted from approx()), please tell.
Any other comments to the code or the Rd's are also welcome.
Thanks for your help!
Henrik Bengtsson
Dept. of Mathematical Statistics @ Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Lund Institute of Technology/Lund University, Sweden (+2h UTC)
Office: P316, +46 46 222 9611 (phone), +46 46 222 4623 (fax)
h b @ m a t h s . l t h . s e
# \name{weighted.median}
# \alias{weighted.median}
# \title{Weighted Median Value}
# \usage{weighted.median(x, w, na.rm=TRUE, ties=NULL)}
# \description{
# Compute a weighted median of a numeric vector.
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{x}{a numeric vector containing the values whose weighted median is
# to be computed.}
# \item{w}{a vector of weights the same length as \code{x} giving the
# to use for each element of \code{x}. Default value is equal
# to all values.}
# \item{na.rm}{a logical value indicating whether \code{NA} values in
# \code{x} should be stripped before the computation proceeds.}
# \item{ties}{a character string specifying how to solve ties between two
# \code{x}'s that are satisfying the weighted median criteria.
# Note that at most two values can satisfy the criteria.
# When \code{ties} is \code{"min"}, the smaller value of the two
# is returned and when it is \code{"max"}, the larger value is
# returned.
# If \code{ties} is \code{"mean"}, the mean of the two values is
# returned and if it is \code{"both"}, both values are returned.
# Finally, if \code{ties} is \code{"weighted"} (or \code{NULL}) a
# weighted average of the two are returned, where the weights are
# weights of all values \code{x[i] <= x[k]} and \code{x[i] >=
# respectively. Default value is \code{NULL}.}
# }
# \value{
# Returns the weighted median.
# }
# \details{
# For the \code{n} elements \code{x = c(x[1], x[2], ..., x[n])} with
# weights \code{w = c(w[1], w[2], ..., w[n])} such that \code{sum(w) = S},
# the \emph{weighted median} is defined as the element \code{x[k]} for
#initial the total weight of all elements \code{x[i] < x[k]} is less or
equal to
# \code{S/2} and for which the total weight of all elements
# \code{x[i] > x[k]} is less or equal to \code{S/2} (c.f. [1]).
# If \code{w} is missing then all elements of \code{x} are given the same
# positive weight. If all weights are zero, \code{NA} is returned.
# When all the weights are the same and \code{ties} is \code{"weighted"}
# \code{NULL}) \code{weighted.median} gives the same result as
# If one or more weights are \code{Inf}, it is the same as these weights
# have the same weight and the others has zero. This makes things easier
# cases where the weights are result of a division with zero.
# The weighted median solves the following optimization problem:
# \deqn{\alpha^* = \arg_\alpha \min \sum_{k=1}{K} w_k |x_k-\alpha|}
# where \eqn{x=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_K)} are scalars and
# \eqn{w=(w_1,w_2,\ldots,w_K)} are the corresponding "weights" for
# each individual \eqn{x} value.
# }
# \examples{
# x <- 1:10
# n <- length(x)
# median(x) # 5.5
# weighted.median(x) # 5.5
# w <- rep(1, n)
# weighted.median(x, w) # 5.5 (default)
# weighted.median(x, ties="weighted") # 5.5 (default)
# weighted.median(x, ties="min") # 5
# weighted.median(x, ties="max") # 6
# # Pull the median towards zero
# w[1] <- 5
# weighted.median(x, w) # 3.5
# y <- c(rep(0,w[1]), x[-1]) # Only possible for integer weights
# median(y) # 3.5
# # Put even more weight on the zero
# w[1] <- 8.5
# weighted.median(x, w) # 2
# # All weight on the first value
# w[1] <- Inf
# weighted.median(x, w) # 1
# # All weight on the first value
# w[1] <- 1
# w[n] <- Inf
# weighted.median(x, w) # 10
# # All weights set to zero
# w <- rep(0, n)
# weighted.median(x, w) # NA
# }
# \seealso{
# \code{\link[base]{median}}, \code{\link[base]{mean}} and
# \code{\link[base]{weighted.mean}}
# }
# \reference{
# [1] T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction to
# The MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989.
# }
# \author{Henrik Bengtsson, hb at maths.lth.se with help from
# Roger Koenker, roger at ysidro.econ.uiuc.edu}
weighted.median <- function(x, w, na.rm=TRUE, ties=NULL) {
if (missing(w))
w <- rep(1, length(x));
# Remove values that are NA's
if (na.rm == TRUE) {
keep <- !(is.na(x) | is.na(w));
x <- x[keep];
w <- w[keep];
} else if (any(is.na(x)))
# Assert that the weights are all non-negative.
if (any(w < 0))
stop("Some of the weights are negative; one can only have positive
# Remove values with weight zero. This will:
# 1) take care of the case when all weights are zero,
# 2) make sure that possible tied values are next to each others, and
# 3) it will most likely speed up the sorting.
n <- length(w);
keep <- (w > 0);
nkeep <- sum(keep);
if (nkeep < n) {
x <- x[keep];
w <- w[keep];
n <- nkeep;
# Are any weights Inf? Then treat them with equal weight and all others
# with weight zero.
wInfs <- is.infinite(w);
if (any(wInfs)) {
x <- x[wInfs];
n <- length(x);
w <- rep(1, n);
# Are there any values left to calculate the weighted median of?
if (n == 0)
# Order the values and order the weights accordingly
ord <- order(x);
x <- x[ord];
w <- w[ord];
wcum <- cumsum(w);
wsum <- wcum[n];
wmid <- wsum / 2;
# Find the position where the sum of the weights of the elements such that
# x[i] < x[k] is less or equal than half the sum of all weights.
# (these two lines could probably be optimized for speed).
lows <- (wcum <= wmid);
k <- sum(lows);
# Two special cases where all the weight are at the first or the
# last value:
if (k == 0) return(x[1]);
if (k == n) return(x[n]);
# At this point we know that:
# 1) at most half the total weight is in the set x[1:k],
# 2) that the set x[(k+2):n] contains less than half the total weight
# The question is whether x[(k+1):n] contains *more* than
# half the total weight (try x=c(1,2,3), w=c(1,1,1)). If it is then
# we can be sure that x[k+1] is the weighted median we are looking
# for, otherwise it is any function of x[k:(k+1)].
wlow <- wcum[k]; # the weight of x[1:k]
whigh <- wsum - wlow; # the weight of x[(k+1):n]
if (whigh > wmid)
if (is.null(ties) || ties == "weighted") { # Default!
(wlow*x[k] + whigh*x[k+1]) / wsum;
} else if (ties == "max") {
} else if (ties == "min") {
} else if (ties == "mean") {
} else if (ties == "both") {
c(x[k], x[k+1]);
# 2002-02-07
# * Optimized the code for speed.
# * Added support for zero and Inf weights.
# * Added the 'ties' argument.
# * Created!
# * Thanks to the following people for helping me out with this one:
# - David Brahm, brahm at alum.mit.edu
# - David Eppstein, eppstein at ics.uci.edu
# - Frank E Harrell Jr, fharrell at virginia.edu
# - Markus Jantti, markus.jantti at iki.fi
# - Roger Koenker, roger at ysidro.econ.uiuc.edu
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