[R] Help with accessing elements of a list
Thomas Lumley
tlumley at u.washington.edu
Mon Feb 4 17:36:46 CET 2002
On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, anthony staines wrote:
> Hi,
> As part of the analysis of a longitudinal study, I have a list, called wg,
> on R 1.3.1 for windows created as follows -
> wg <- by(xx, xx$mrn, function(xx) lm(xx$maternal.wt ~ xx$gestation,
> data=xx))
It would be slightly more elegant (but equivalent) to write
wg <- by(xx, xx$mrn, function(xx) lm(maternal.wt ~ gestation, data=xx))
> xx is a data.frame, and so wg contains the results of 293 linear
> regressions, as lm objects.
> Now what I want is to extract the 293 intercepts and regression coefficients
> as a vector, and do things with them - like examine their distributions.
Well, if you had one of these you would use coef(one.of.these) to get the
coefficients, so given an entire list you could use
to return the 293x2 matrix of coefficients.
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