[R] Linking R script and a COM application

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Tue Dec 24 12:05:03 CET 2002

Wolfgang Scherr wrote:
> I am new to R. I run it under MS Windows.
> My goal is to interface an existing R program (500 lines) with a commercial software. That one
> can be used as an OLE-Server. Ideally I would be able to reference and control the R-program
> and components of the other software out of one VBA program. To make it easier, the R script
> has no text or graphics output. I have downloaded http://cran.r-project.org/contrib/extra/dcom/
> but I do not understand:
> ?? what command do I use in VBA to run an existing COM script ??
> Can someone send me a sample of VB code?

Take a look into the R-Excel Interface (by Erich Neuwirth,
http://cran.r-project.org/contrib/extra/excel) which has several
examples, becauses it uses DCOM heavily.

Uwe Ligges

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