Part II Re: [R] read.ssd {foreign} (Reading a permanent SAS d ataset into an R data frame)

Saikat Debroy saikat at
Sat Dec 21 01:21:02 CET 2002

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Arthur <sarthur67 at> writes:

  Stephen> The SAS data set I PROC CPORTed is [9] the result is [10].
  Stephen> I PROC CIMPORTed [10] back to its orginal state [9], and it
  Stephen> worked.

  Stephen> So the SAS people think that the error is not with the SAS
  Stephen> XPORT file, but with R trying to load a text SAS XPORT
  Stephen> file, when it should be loading the SAS XPORT file in
  Stephen> binary format?  Is this a problem?

I have no idea what you mean by binary/text SAS XPORT formats. R
implements the XPORT format as described in
and that definitely is not a text format.

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