RE [R] workspace vs. image
Cliff Lunneborg
lunneborg at
Fri Dec 20 10:30:04 CET 2002
As an alternative to the use of multiple shortcus to gain entry to different
R environments on WIndows platforms I would like to suggest the use of two R
functions written by my colleague John Miyamoto. I have taken the liberty of
attaching their definitions to this message. Their efficient use is based on
adopting the following regimen or something like it: (1) at startup attach
an .Rdata workspace containing the two functions, say to position 2. This I
do in my etc/Rprofile file. (2) then attach one or more .Rdata workspaces to
additional positions in the search path. These contain data and/or
user-defined functions relevant to the current problem. Position 1 of the
search, .GlobalEnv is then used only for sctratchwork.
move(obj,pos=3) moves obj from .GlobalEnv to the environent of position 3,
saves that environment to the associated .Rdata file, and removes obj from
.GlobalEnv.,pos=3) removes obj from the environment at position 3 and then
saves the remaining objects to the associated .Rdata file.
The use of the two keeps the .Rdata files updated.
##Here is the first function
function(x, pos=NA, dir="c:/directory name/file name", replace=F) {
if ( dirL _ paste("file:", dir, sep="") else dirL _
if (mode(x) != "character") name _ deparse(substitute(x)) else name _ x
# Assign the correct number to tmpos = pos, if it is not already assigned.
if ( {
tmp _ search() == dirL
if (sum(tmp) < 1) stop(message=paste(dir, "not in search path."))
if (sum(tmp) > 1) {
cat("There is more than one directory named",
dir, "in the search path.\n",
"Set the destination with the pos argument.\n")
stop(message = "Execution of move terminated.")
} #end of if (sum(tmp) > 1)
tmpos _ (1:length(search()))[tmp]
} else tmpos _ pos #End of if (
# Assign the correct directory name to dirN if it is not already assigned.
tms _ search()[tmpos]
dirN _ substring(tms, 6, nchar(tms))
# The next if carries out the move, if this is possible.
e.test _ NULL; for (i in 1:length(name))
e.test _ c(e.test, !exists(name[i], )
if ( all(e.test) | replace) {
for (i in 1:length(name)) assign(name[i], get(name[i],
save(list=objects(pos=tmpos, all=T), file=dirN )
rm(list=name, envir=.GlobalEnv)
} else { #end if, start else
# The next code gives warning messages if the move could not be carried out.
# Case I: The target directory was specified by dir.
if ( {
cat("\n No movement of object was carried out!\n Object(s) ",
name[!e.test], " exists in ", dir,".\n\n",
'Add "replace=T" to the move command in order to replace',
name[!e.test],"\nin", dir,".\n\n") } else
# Case II: The target directory was specified by pos.
cat("\n No movement of object was carried out!\n Object(s) ",
name[!e.test], " exists in pos =", pos,".\n\n",
'Add "replace=T" to the move command in order to replace',
name[!e.test],"\nin pos =", pos,".\n\n") }
} #end of case where object exists in destination directory
} #end of function
definition --------------------------------------------------
# and here is the second function:<-
function(x, pos=NA, dir="e:/r/jmm/jmfuns.rda") {
if ( dirL _ paste("file:", dir, sep="") else dirL _
if (mode(x) != "character") name _ deparse(substitute(x)) else name _ x
# Assign the correct number to tmpos = pos, if it is not already assigned.
if ( {
tmp _ search() == dirL
if (sum(tmp) < 1) stop(message=paste(dir, "not in search path."))
if (sum(tmp) > 1) {
cat("There is more than one directory named",
dir, "in the search path.\n",
"Set the destination with the pos argument.\n")
stop(message = "Execution of move terminated.")
} #end of if (sum(tmp) > 1)
tmpos _ (1:length(search()))[tmp]
} else tmpos _ pos #End of if (
# Assign the correct directory name to dirN if it is not already assigned.
tms _ search()[tmpos]
dirN _ substring(tms, 6, nchar(tms))
# The next if carries out the deletion, if this is possible.
e.test _ NULL; for (i in 1:length(name))
e.test _ c(e.test, exists(name[i], )
if ( all(e.test) )
rm(list=name, pos=tmpos)
save(list=objects(pos=tmpos, all=T), file=dirN)
cat(paste("Deletion completed. Current objects in",
dirN, "are:\n") )
print(objects(pos=tmpos, all=T))
} else { #end if, start else
# The next code gives warning messages if the object does not exist in the
target directory.
# Case I: The target directory was specified by dir.
if ( {
cat("\n No deletion of object was carried out!\n Object ",
name[!e.test], " does not exist in ", dir,".\n\n") } else
# Case II: The target directory was specified by pos.
cat("\n No deletion of object was carried out!\n Object ",
name[!e.test], " does not exist in pos =", pos,".\n\n") }
} #end of case where object does not exist in target directory
} #end of function
definition --------------------------------------------------
Cliff and/or Pat Lunneborg
Temporarily in Salobrena
Costa Granada, ESPANA
Nov 2002 thru Jan 2003
cliff at
lunneborg at
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