[R] workspace vs. image
Emmanuel Paradis
paradis at isem.univ-montp2.fr
Wed Dec 18 17:06:28 CET 2002
At 09:58 18/12/2002 -0500, vous avez écrit:
>Hello [R]ians,
> I'm hoping someone can clarify the difference between a Workspace Image
>and Working Directory. I created a directory on my PC, say,
>"C:\Program Files\R\Project1" and then saved my objects in
>"C:\Program Files\R\Project1\.Rdata".
>Then, in a subsequent session, I reloaded these objects using
> > load("C:/Program Files/R/Project1/.RData")
>At first, I thought I was suppose to use
> > setwd("C:\\Program Files\\R\\Project1")
This changes the working directory only for the current session.
>and that R would automatically use "C:/Program Files/R/Project1/.RData".
>But this appears not to be the case.
>I got this impression from Section 1.11 of "An Introduction to R" which
>"...objects are written to a file called '.RData' in the current directory".
>What "things" then, should go in the Workspace Image but not the Working
>and vice versa (Plots?), and what am I not understanding?
Under Windows, the most practical solution is to create a short-cut of
Rgui.exe, right-click on it, and then modify the directory in the field
"Start in:" under the tab "Short-cut". When started from this short-cut, R
will use this directory as its working directory, and load any .RData if
there is one there. You can then create as many short-cuts as you want,
each with its own working directory.
Hope this helps.
Emmanuel Paradis
>Gratefully Yours,
>Iyue Sung, PhD
>Ingenix , Epidemiology Division
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