[R] R commands

Ben Bolker ben at zoo.ufl.edu
Mon Dec 16 22:20:04 CET 2002

  The first two are pretty basic:

  #1: x <- rnorm(20)
  #2: x[x<0] <- 0
  #3 is poorly defined.  Do you want the estimate of the mean and s.d. of 
the initial (non-truncated) distribution?  I think this might be doable, 
but someone (preferably you) would have to try to work out the details ... 
this is a statistical question, not an R coding question.


  Ben Bolker

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 Jameshutton25 at aol.com wrote:

> I would like to know how to do the following commands on R:
> 1) Choose 20 random numbers modelled on the normal distribution.
> 2)Any of these numbers that are negative to change them to ZERO.
> 3)Perform a command that will enable me to find the maximum likelihood (the 
> true mean of the distribution). If any of the numbers are zero i need to know 
> which ones they were if possible.
> Thank you very much for your. I look forward to hearing from you.
> Yours Sincerely,
> James Hutton
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318 Carr Hall                                bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
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