[R] t-test bootstrap versus permutation question
Torsten Hothorn
Torsten.Hothorn at rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
Fri Dec 13 09:49:03 CET 2002
> Hi,
> I have a little problem that puzzles me about contradictory results returned
> by a bootstraped t-test (as in MASS 3rd ed p. 146) versus a permutation
> t-test (as in MASS 3rd ed, p 147).
> Data are measurements done on 100 cells in 9 slides of fish blood. With one
> method, cells are randomly sampled, and with the other method, the operator
> selects cells arbitrarily (in a way it is done usually with this test). We
> want to determine wheither the methods yield same results or not. Since we
> are interested by the mean measurement for 100 cells, we take the average
> for each slide and each method. We compare then the nine paired samples
> (that is, for the nine slides) with a paired t-test. However, since we
> cannot make the hypothesis that both distributions are normal, we prefer to
> use a bootstraped test.
that is: you have 9 differences and you hypothesis is "the underlying
distribution is symmetric about zero", i.e. the two methods do not
differ in this sense, right?
> We do:
> (1) 1000 simple bootstraps with:
> boot(B-A, function(x,i), mean(x[i]), R=1000)
> and then:
> boot.ci(...)
> and check wheter the CI includes 0 (no significant difference between
> methods) or not.
so you are computing a bootstrap estimate of the standard error of the
mean for later use in a confidence interval for the mean? But you can
calculate this directly (Section 5.2 in Efron/Tibshirani: Intro to the
Boostrap) and the confidence set per t.test, if I'm not completely
> (2) a permutation test with the perm.t.test() function of MASS p. 147
> and calculate a bootstraped p-value corresponding to the fraction of values
I just can't find my MASS3 at the moment, but I suspect perm.t.test
computes the statistic for all possible permutations, so no bootstrap
> larger or equal to the observed one. If this p-value is > 5%, we consider
> there is no significant difference between both methods.
> Is this correct?
> The problem is that, in our particular case, both test give opposite
> results: the bootstrap test indicates significant differences at 5%, while
> the permutation test gives p-value = 0.35-0.45, thus no differences between
> methods. I think I probably miss something here! Does somebody could help
> me?
maybe you should post the 9 measurements ;-)
For the shoes data, one could do the following, which looks consitent to
R> library(MASS)
R> library(exactRankTests)
R> data(shoes)
R> attach(shoes)
R> t.test(A,B, paired=TRUE, conf.int=TRUE)
Paired t-test
data: A and B
t = -3.3489, df = 9, p-value = 0.008539
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.6869539 -0.1330461
sample estimates:
mean of the differences
R> wilcox.exact(A,B, paired=TRUE, conf.int=TRUE)
Exact Wilcoxon signed rank test
data: A and B
V = 3, p-value = 0.007812
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.7 -0.1
sample estimates:
R> wilcox.test(A,B, paired=TRUE, exact=FALSE)
Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction
data: A and B
V = 3, p-value = 0.01431
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0
R> perm.test(A*10,B*10, paired=TRUE) # map into integers
1-sample Permutation Test
data: A * 10 and B * 10
T = 3, p-value = 0.01367
alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0
> Best,
> Philippe Grosjean
> ...........]<(({°<...............<°}))><...............................
> ( ( ( ( (
> ) ) ) ) ) Philippe Grosjean
> ( ( ( ( (
> ) ) ) ) ) IFREMER Nantes - DEL/AO
> ( ( ( ( ( rue de l'Ile d'Yeu, BP 21105, 44311 Nantes Cedex 3
> ) ) ) ) ) tel: (33), fax: (33)
> ( ( ( ( ( e-mail: philippe.grosjean at ifremer.fr
> ) ) ) ) )
> ( ( ( ( ( "I'm 100% confident that p is between 0 and 1"
> ) ) ) ) ) L. Gonick & W. Smith (1993)
> .......................................................................
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