[R] y axis on hist
Bud Gibson
fpgibson at umich.edu
Thu Dec 12 14:42:03 CET 2002
Let me try to clarify. I would like an automated way to set the y axis
to cover the largest count (or density) in one of the automatically
computed bins. I thought hist did this. Working from Dalgaard's book
example on writing a function, it would seem I could do something like:
y <- rnorm(100000)
h <- hist(y)
ylim <- range(0,max(h$counts))
and be assured that the y axis covered the data points. However, it
does not, and the behavior does not seem entirely systematic to me.
Daniel E. Ho wrote:
>From: "Bud Gibson" <fpgibson at umich.edu>
>>The y axis on the hist function seems to set its limits oddly.
>>sometimes, it covers the full range of the data and sometimes it stops
>>one major tick short. I have had this behavior with a variety of data
>>sets, and it can easily be reproduced by just running the following
>>several times:
>>I have tried explicitly setting ylim to the range of values produced by
>>rnorm (taking care to set some variable to rnorm(100000) and then
>>graphing that), and I still get the y axis plotting behvior I just
>I'm not sure I understand the problem correctly. Doesn't the following seem
>to correct the y-axis problem?
>daniel_ho at harvard.edu
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