[R] Modified Bessel Function - 2nd kind
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Dec 11 17:15:04 CET 2002
Dr Andrew Wilson <eia018 at comp.lancs.ac.uk> writes:
> Many thanks for this pointer.
> Using the formula from the page you referenced, I now have the formula
> with the modified Bessel function of the second kind:
> > x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
> > y <- c(1,4,5,7,5,4,1,1)
> > library(nls)
> > library(gregmisc)
> > y2 <- nls(y ~
> sqrt((2*a)/pi)*exp(a*sqrt(1-q))*((((a*q)/2)^x)/factorial(x))* ((pi/2) *
> (besselI(a,-(x-0.5)) - besselI(a,(x-0.5)))/sin((x-0.5) * pi)),
> start=list(a=0.1,q=0.1),trace=TRUE)
> However, for some reason, I get the following error message:
> 133.9999 : 0.100 0.001
> Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) :
> Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model
> In addition: Warning messages:
It appears that the value of q is being driven toward negative
values. The numerical derivative routine is trying to evaluate the
predictions at a negative value of a and q. This suggests that your
model may not fit the data or that you need better starting values for
the parameters.
> 1: NaNs produced in: sqrt((2 * a)/pi)
> 2: NaNs produced in: sqrt(1 - q)
> 3: NaNs produced in: besselI(x, nu, 1 + as.logical(expon.scaled))
> 4: NaNs produced in: besselI(x, nu, 1 + as.logical(expon.scaled))
> Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong (and how to fix it)?
> The following constraints should apply to the parameters, but I'm not
> aware of a "constrain" option in nls that allows me to set these minima
> and maxima:
> 0 < q < 1
> a > 0
One way of enforcing constraints on the parameters in a nonlinear
regression is to use transformed parameters. In this case you can use
a logistic transformation for q and the logarithm of a. I suggest
that you write a function for the model rather than an expression
modl <- function(x, loga, logisq) {
xm5 <- x - 0.5
a <- exp(loga)
q <- 1/(1 + exp(-logisq))
sqrt((2*a)/pi)*exp(a*sqrt(1-q))*((((a*q)/2)^x)/factorial(x))* ((pi/2) *
(besselI(a,-xm5) - besselI(a,xm5))/sin(xm5 * pi))
and try to fit
y2 <- nls(y ~ modl(x, loga, logisq), start=list(loga=log(0.1),
logisq=log(0.1/0.9), trace = TRUE)
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