[R] using edit.data.frame
Anne York
york at noaa.gov
Wed Dec 4 23:26:03 CET 2002
THanks very much. str() gives me the info that two of the columns are
actually time-series. So, applying as.numeric to the offending columns
allows the editor to work.
> summary(dum)
yrcl sland s02 s234
Min. :50.00 Min. :0.7820 Min. :0.1780 Min. :0.6350
1st Qu.:57.25 1st Qu.:0.8390 1st Qu.:0.3260 1st Qu.:0.8033
Median :64.50 Median :0.9000 Median :0.3835 Median :0.8480
Mean :64.50 Mean :0.8853 Mean :0.3767 Mean :0.8390
3rd Qu.:71.75 3rd Qu.:0.9255 3rd Qu.:0.4208 3rd Qu.:0.8758
Max. :79.00 Max. :0.9740 Max. :0.4930 Max. :0.9220
> str(dum)
`data.frame': 30 obs. of 4 variables:
$ yrcl : num 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ...
$ sland: Time-Series from 1950 to 1979: 0.882 0.842 0.907 0.824 0.786 ...
$ s02 : Time-Series from 1950 to 1979: 0.413 0.421 0.457 0.383 0.297
0.326 0.178 0.366 0.493 0.433 ...
$ s234 : num 0.850 0.873 0.922 0.804 0.742 ...
Anne E. York
National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Seattle WA 98115-0070 USA
e-mail: anne.york at noaa.gov
Voice: +1 206-526-4039
Fax: +1 206-526-6615
On 4 Dec 2002, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:
|Anne York <york at noaa.gov> writes:
|> dum is a simple data frame transferred to Splus using the dump()
|> command in Splus and the source() in R. All fields are numeric. There
|> are no missing data. The data frame looks like it is should:
|> > apply(dum,2,mode)
|> yrcl sland s02 s234
|> "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"
|> > apply(dum,2,is.vector)
|> yrcl sland s02 s234
|> > is.data.frame(dum)
|> [1] TRUE
|> But, when I try to use the edit.data.frame command,
|> > edit.data.frame(dum)
|> Error in edit.data.frame(dum) : Can only handle vector and factor elements
|> >
|> Any ideas why this won't work?
|Not really, but what do you get from
|lapply(dum, mode) # suspect that apply(dum, 2, mode) isn't quite the same
|lapply(dum, class)
| O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
| c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
| (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
|~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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