[R] RArcInfo 0.4-2 and draft tutorial out

Virgilio Gómez Rubio Virgilio.Gomez at uv.es
Wed Dec 4 14:17:03 CET 2002


A new release of RArcInfo is out, together with a draft of the tutorial.
You can get both from
Windows binaries are also available and package source can also be
downloaded from CRAN.

I 'd like to encourage users of the package to read the tutorial and
report ideas. Besides, I would like to keep a web page on works where
RArcInfo is being used.

Changes made are:

*V 0.4-2
        - 'index' argument added to plotarc to select the arcs to plot.
        - 'index' argument added to plotpal to select the polygons to
        - New function 'get.nb', which, given a set of polygons, returns
        the neighbouring polygons of each one.
        - Fixed a bug in 'get_tol_data'. The file to be open was of
        type CNT instead of TOL. Now tolerances are read without
        - Output messages have been changed in several functions to
        be more useful for the user.
        - Fixed a bug in 'plotarc' when calculating plot dimensions.
        - Example added to RArcInfo documentation file.

Comments are welcome.

Regards and enjoy,

             Virgilio Gómez Rubio

Dpto. Estadística e I. O. - Facultat de Matemàtiques
Avda. Vicent A. Estellés, 1 - 46100 Burjassot
Valencia - SPAIN


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