[R] question about cloud() in lattice package

Deepayan Sarkar deepayansarkar at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 14 08:07:48 CEST 2002

--- Rishabh Gupta <rg117 at ohm.york.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been previously been using scatterplot3d package to create some graphs
> but unfortunately it does not allow me to rotate the
> plot on all three axis. The cloud() function in the lattice package does
> allow me to do so. When I was using scatterplot3d I was
> using a script (Shown Below) to calculate the mean, quartiles and range
> limits for all three axis and I was representing that on the
> plot (like a 3d version of the boxplot() function). I was just wondering
> whether there is any way of representing such information
> with the cloud() function. Is there a way I can draw lines along each axis on
> the plot.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could try using the (horrible) panel function given below. It's a
modification of panel.cloud. The actual modifications shouldn't be difficult to
follow, and are demarcated as "New", in case you want to change colors etc.

An example of usage :

cloud(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width * Petal.Length, data = iris, 
      groups = Species, 
      panel = "panel.cloudbox", 
      zoom = .8)


panel.cloudbox <- function (x, y, z, subscripts, distance, xlim,
    ylim, zlim, subpanel = "panel.xyplot", rot.mat = rot.mat, aspect =
    aspect, zcol, col.regions, par.box = NULL, xlab, ylab, zlab,
    scales.3d, proportion = 0.6, wireframe = FALSE, scpos = list(x =
    1, y = 8, z = 12), groups, ...)

    if (any(subscripts)) {
        par.box.final <- trellis.par.get("box.3d")
        if (!is.null(par.box)) 
            par.box.final[names(par.box)] <- par.box
        subpanel <- if (is.character(subpanel)) 
        else eval(subpanel)
        aspect <- rep(aspect, length = 2)
        x <- x[subscripts]
        y <- y[subscripts]
        z <- z[subscripts]

        corners <- data.frame(x = c(-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1)/2, 
                              y = c(-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1)/2 * aspect[1], 
                              z = c(-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1)/2 * aspect[2])
        pre <- c(1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 8, 5)
        nxt <- c(2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8)
        labs <- rbind(x = c(0, corners$x[pre[scpos$y]],
                      y = c(corners$y[pre[scpos$x]], 0,
                      z = c(corners$z[pre[scpos$x]],
        labs[, 1] <- labs[, 1] * (1 + scales.3d$x.scales$distance/3)
        labs[, 2] <- labs[, 2] * (1 + scales.3d$y.scales$distance/3)
        labs[, 3] <- labs[, 3] * (1 + scales.3d$z.scales$distance/3)
        axes <-
            rbind(x = c(proportion * corners$x[c(pre[scpos$x],
                  nxt[scpos$x])], corners$x[c(pre[scpos$y],
                  nxt[scpos$y])], corners$x[c(pre[scpos$z],
                  nxt[scpos$z])]), y = c(corners$y[c(pre[scpos$x],
                  nxt[scpos$x])], proportion *
                  corners$y[c(pre[scpos$y], nxt[scpos$y])],
                  corners$y[c(pre[scpos$z], nxt[scpos$z])]), z =
                  c(corners$z[c(pre[scpos$x], nxt[scpos$x])],
                  corners$z[c(pre[scpos$y], nxt[scpos$y])], proportion
                  * corners$z[c(pre[scpos$z], nxt[scpos$z])]))

        axes[, 1:2] <- axes[, 1:2] * (1 + scales.3d$x.scales$distance/10)
        axes[, 3:4] <- axes[, 3:4] * (1 + scales.3d$y.scales$distance/10)
        axes[, 5:6] <- axes[, 5:6] * (1 + scales.3d$z.scales$distance/10)
        x.at <- if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$at)) 
            lpretty(xlim, scales.3d$x.scales$tick.number)
        else scales.3d$x.scales$at
        y.at <- if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$at)) 
            lpretty(ylim, scales.3d$y.scales$tick.number)
        else scales.3d$y.scales$at
        z.at <- if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$at)) 
            lpretty(zlim, scales.3d$z.scales$tick.number)
        else scales.3d$z.scales$at
        x.at <- x.at[x.at >= xlim[1] & x.at <= xlim[2]]
        y.at <- y.at[y.at >= ylim[1] & y.at <= ylim[2]]
        z.at <- z.at[z.at >= zlim[1] & z.at <= zlim[2]]
        x.at.lab <- if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$labels)) 
        else as.character(scales.3d$x.scales$labels)
        y.at.lab <- if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$labels)) 
        else as.character(scales.3d$y.scales$labels)
        z.at.lab <- if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$labels)) 
        else as.character(scales.3d$z.scales$labels)
        cmin <- lapply(corners, min)
        cmax <- lapply(corners, max)
        clen <- lapply(corners, function(x) diff(range(x)))

        ##                         New                       ##

        bxp.stx <- numeric(0)
        bxp.sty <- numeric(0)
        bxp.stz <- numeric(0)

        vals <- sort(unique(groups))
        for (i in seq(along=vals)) {
            id <- (groups[subscripts] == vals[i])
            foox <- boxplot.stats(x[id])$stats
            fooy <- boxplot.stats(y[id])$stats
            fooz <- boxplot.stats(z[id])$stats
            bxp.stx <- c(bxp.stx, foox, rep(foox[3], 5), rep(foox[3], 5))
            bxp.sty <- c(bxp.sty, rep(fooy[3], 5), fooy, rep(fooy[3], 5))
            bxp.stz <- c(bxp.stz, rep(fooz[3], 5), rep(fooz[3], 5), fooz)

        tdata <- rbind(x = cmin$x + clen$x * (bxp.stx - xlim[1])/diff(xlim), 
                       y = cmin$y + clen$y * (bxp.sty - ylim[1])/diff(ylim),
                       z = cmin$z + clen$z * (bxp.stz - zlim[1])/diff(zlim))

        taxes <- rot.mat %*% axes
        x.at <- cmin$x + clen$x * (x.at - xlim[1])/diff(xlim)
        y.at <- cmin$y + clen$y * (y.at - ylim[1])/diff(ylim)
        z.at <- cmin$z + clen$z * (z.at - zlim[1])/diff(zlim)
        at.len <- length(x.at)
        x.at <- rbind(x = x.at,
                      y = rep(corners$y[pre[scpos$x]], 
                      z = rep(corners$z[pre[scpos$x]], at.len))
        at.len <- length(y.at)
        y.at <- rbind(x = rep(corners$x[pre[scpos$y]], at.len), 
                      y = y.at,
                      z = rep(corners$z[pre[scpos$y]], at.len))
        at.len <- length(z.at)
        z.at <- rbind(x = rep(corners$x[pre[scpos$z]], at.len), 
                      y = rep(corners$y[pre[scpos$z]], at.len),
                      z = z.at)
        x.at.end <- x.at +
            scales.3d$x.scales$tck * 0.05 * labs[,1] 
        y.at.end <- y.at + scales.3d$y.scales$tck * 0.05 * labs[, 
        z.at.end <- z.at + scales.3d$z.scales$tck * 0.05 * labs[, 
        x.labs <- x.at + 2 * scales.3d$x.scales$tck * 0.05 * 
            labs[, 1]
        y.labs <- y.at + 2 * scales.3d$y.scales$tck * 0.05 * 
            labs[, 2]
        z.labs <- z.at + 2 * scales.3d$z.scales$tck * 0.05 * 
            labs[, 3]
        x.at <- rot.mat %*% x.at
        x.labs <- rot.mat %*% x.labs
        x.at.end <- rot.mat %*% x.at.end
        y.at <- rot.mat %*% y.at
        y.labs <- rot.mat %*% y.labs
        y.at.end <- rot.mat %*% y.at.end
        z.at <- rot.mat %*% z.at
        z.labs <- rot.mat %*% z.labs
        z.at.end <- rot.mat %*% z.at.end
        tdata <- rot.mat %*% tdata
        corners <- rot.mat %*% t(as.matrix(corners))
        tlabs <- rot.mat %*% labs
        zback <- min(corners[3, ])
        zfront <- max(corners[3, ])
        za <- (zfront * (1 - distance) - zback)/(zfront - zback)
        zb <- distance/(zfront - zback)
        tdata[1, ] <- (za + zb * tdata[3, ]) * tdata[1, ]
        tdata[2, ] <- (za + zb * tdata[3, ]) * tdata[2, ]
        corners[1, ] <- (za + zb * corners[3, ]) * corners[1, 
        corners[2, ] <- (za + zb * corners[3, ]) * corners[2, 
        taxes[1, ] <- (za + zb * taxes[3, ]) * taxes[1, ]
        taxes[2, ] <- (za + zb * taxes[3, ]) * taxes[2, ]
        x.at[1, ] <- (za + zb * x.at[3, ]) * x.at[1, ]
        x.at[2, ] <- (za + zb * x.at[3, ]) * x.at[2, ]
        x.labs[1, ] <- (za + zb * x.labs[3, ]) * x.labs[1, ]
        x.labs[2, ] <- (za + zb * x.labs[3, ]) * x.labs[2, ]
        x.at.end[1, ] <- (za + zb * x.at.end[3, ]) * x.at.end[1, 
        x.at.end[2, ] <- (za + zb * x.at.end[3, ]) * x.at.end[2, 
        y.at[1, ] <- (za + zb * y.at[3, ]) * y.at[1, ]
        y.at[2, ] <- (za + zb * y.at[3, ]) * y.at[2, ]
        y.labs[1, ] <- (za + zb * y.labs[3, ]) * y.labs[1, ]
        y.labs[2, ] <- (za + zb * y.labs[3, ]) * y.labs[2, ]
        y.at.end[1, ] <- (za + zb * y.at.end[3, ]) * y.at.end[1, 
        y.at.end[2, ] <- (za + zb * y.at.end[3, ]) * y.at.end[2, 
        z.at[1, ] <- (za + zb * z.at[3, ]) * z.at[1, ]
        z.at[2, ] <- (za + zb * z.at[3, ]) * z.at[2, ]
        z.labs[1, ] <- (za + zb * z.labs[3, ]) * z.labs[1, ]
        z.labs[2, ] <- (za + zb * z.labs[3, ]) * z.labs[2, ]
        z.at.end[1, ] <- (za + zb * z.at.end[3, ]) * z.at.end[1, 
        z.at.end[2, ] <- (za + zb * z.at.end[3, ]) * z.at.end[2, 
        tlabs[1, ] <- (za + zb * tlabs[3, ]) * tlabs[1, ]
        tlabs[2, ] <- (za + zb * tlabs[3, ]) * tlabs[2, ]
        farthest <- 1
        farval <- corners[3, 1]
        for (i in 2:8) if (corners[3, i] < farval) {
            farthest <- i
            farval <- corners[3, i]
        mark <- rep(TRUE, 12)
        for (j in 1:12) if (pre[j] == farthest || nxt[j] == farthest) 
            mark[j] <- FALSE
        lsegments(corners[1, pre[!mark]], corners[2, pre[!mark]], 
                  corners[1, nxt[!mark]], corners[2, nxt[!mark]],
                  col = par.box.final$col, 
                  lwd = par.box.final$lwd, lty = 2)

        ##                   New                   ##

        for (i in seq(along=vals)) {
            llines(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + c(1,5)],
                   y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + c(1,5)])
            llines(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + c(6,10)],
                   y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + c(6,10)])
            llines(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + c(11,15)],
                   y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + c(11,15)])

            llines(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + c(2,4)],
                   y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + c(2,4)], lwd = 3)
            llines(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + c(7,9)],
                   y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + c(7,9)], lwd = 3)
            llines(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + c(12,14)],
                   y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + c(12,14)], lwd = 3)

            lpoints(x = tdata[1, 15 * (i-1) + 3],
                    y = tdata[2, 15 * (i-1) + 3],
                    col = "red", pch = 18)

        lsegments(corners[1, pre[mark]], corners[2, pre[mark]], 
                  corners[1, nxt[mark]], corners[2, nxt[mark]],
                  col = par.box.final$col, 
                  lty = par.box.final$lty, lwd = par.box.final$lwd)
        if (scales.3d$x.scales$draw) {
            if (scales.3d$x.scales$arrows) {
                larrows(x0 = taxes[1, 1], y0 = taxes[2, 1],
                        x1 = taxes[1, 
                        2], y1 = taxes[2, 2], lty = scales.3d$x.scales$lty, 
                        lwd = scales.3d$x.scales$lwd,
                        col = scales.3d$x.scales$col)
            else {
                lsegments(x0 = x.at[1, ], y0 = x.at[2, ],
                          x1 = x.at.end[1, 
                          ], y1 = x.at.end[2, ], lty = scales.3d$x.scales$lty, 
                          col = scales.3d$x.scales$col,
                          lwd = scales.3d$x.scales$lwd)
                ltext(x.at.lab, x = x.labs[1, ],
                      y = x.labs[2, 
                      ], cex = scales.3d$x.scales$cex,
                      font = scales.3d$x.scales$font, 
                      col = scales.3d$x.scales$col)
        if (scales.3d$y.scales$draw) {
            if (scales.3d$y.scales$arrows) {
                larrows(x0 = taxes[1, 3], y0 = taxes[2, 3],
                        x1 = taxes[1, 
                        4], y1 = taxes[2, 4], lty = scales.3d$y.scales$lty, 
                        lwd = scales.3d$y.scales$lwd,
                        col = scales.3d$y.scales$col)
            else {
                lsegments(x0 = y.at[1, ], y0 = y.at[2, ],
                          x1 = y.at.end[1, 
                          ], y1 = y.at.end[2, ], lty = scales.3d$y.scales$lty, 
                          col = scales.3d$y.scales$col,
                          lwd = scales.3d$y.scales$lwd)
                ltext(y.at.lab, x = y.labs[1, ],
                      y = y.labs[2, 
                      ], cex = scales.3d$y.scales$cex,
                      font = scales.3d$y.scales$font, 
                      col = scales.3d$y.scales$col)
        if (scales.3d$z.scales$draw) {
            if (scales.3d$z.scales$arrows) {
                larrows(x0 = taxes[1, 5], y0 = taxes[2, 5],
                        x1 = taxes[1, 
                        6], y1 = taxes[2, 6], lty = scales.3d$z.scales$lty, 
                        lwd = scales.3d$z.scales$lwd,
                        col = scales.3d$z.scales$col)
            else {
                lsegments(x0 = z.at[1, ], y0 = z.at[2, ],
                          x1 = z.at.end[1, 
                          ], y1 = z.at.end[2, ], lty = scales.3d$z.scales$lty, 
                          col = scales.3d$x.scales$col,
                          lwd = scales.3d$z.scales$lwd)
                ltext(z.at.lab, x = z.labs[1, ],
                      y = z.labs[2, 
                      ], cex = scales.3d$z.scales$cex,
                      font = scales.3d$z.scales$font, 
                      col = scales.3d$z.scales$col)
        if (!is.null(xlab)) 
            ltext(xlab$lab, x = tlabs[1, 1], y = tlabs[2, 1], 
                  cex = xlab$cex, rot = xlab$rot, font = xlab$font, 
                  col = xlab$col)
        if (!is.null(ylab)) 
            ltext(ylab$lab, x = tlabs[1, 2], y = tlabs[2, 2], 
                  cex = ylab$cex, rot = ylab$rot, font = ylab$font, 
                  col = ylab$col)
        if (!is.null(zlab)) 
            ltext(zlab$lab, x = tlabs[1, 3], y = tlabs[2, 3], 
                  cex = zlab$cex, rot = zlab$rot, font = zlab$font, 
                  col = zlab$col)


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