[R] different data series on one graph

wouter.buytaert@yucom.be wouter.buytaert at yucom.be
Fri Apr 26 22:42:06 CEST 2002


I'm looking for a way to plot different data series on one graph.
I have a series of hourly rainfall and quarterly flow
measurements (i.e. 4 times an hour) of a catchment. The rainfall
should be plotted in bars, the flow as a line. Both on the same X
axe (time) but with different Y axes.

The problem is the plot() function does not support add=TRUE...

Furthermore I'm not sure what's the best format for input data.
Now it are two data frames with a time (POSIXct) and a
rainfall/flow part. Maybe time series are easier, but in 

ts(data = NA, start = X,...

X should be a number or a vector. how does this coresponds to a
data and hour (e.g. april 26,2002, 15:00:00)?


Wouter Buytaert
Institute for Land and Water Management
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


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