[R] Two problems

Ambrosini Alessandro klavan at tiscalinet.it
Thu Apr 18 18:42:59 CEST 2002

Hello! Two questions:

1: I have to import a matrix of adjacency from a file of a software that is
not R (for example "bloc notes" of Windows). The problem is that the matrix
is not in the explicit form as
 0 1 1
 1 0 0
 1 0 0
but it is a scattered matrix where in each row there are two nodes that have
a direct path.
The matrix is

 a   b
 a   c
 b   a
 c   a

For example, the first row exspress that node a and node b are connected by
a direct line.
Can R transform this matrix in the first matrix that I wrote ? Are there any

2: Which is the max dimension of a matrix that R can use (1000X1000?,
500000X500000?)? What is the biggest dimension of a file that R can import?

Thank you so much.

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