[R] names of model coefficients etc

David Firth david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
Fri Sep 28 15:08:34 CEST 2001

I am curious about the reason for the following:

>  xzw<-lm(y ~ x+cbind(z,w))
>  names1<-names(xzw$coefficients)
>  names1
[1] "(Intercept)"  "x"            "cbind(z, w)z" "cbind(z, w)w"
>  names2<-colnames(as.matrix(xzw$model))
>  names2
[1] "y"             "x"             "cbind(z, w).z" "cbind(z, w).w"
>  names1==names2

It would be helpful for some purposes if all components except the 
first here could be TRUE.  Presumably there is some good reason for 
the difference?  Can someone please enlighten me?

David Firth                        Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College                   Fax   +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF                     Secretary +44 1865 278553
United Kingdom                     Email david.firth at nuffield.ox.ac.uk

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