[R] code/documentation mismatches

David Lucy dlucy at maths.ed.ac.uk
Thu Sep 6 12:51:35 CEST 2001

> * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING
> Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on line 22
> I am able to sort out which of the files is the culprit is by swapping
> files in and out of the /R and /man directories. But I cannot find the
> syntax error, the .Rd file seems to be correct.


I've just been updating the code for a couple of packages and I got the
same "* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING" - although I
didn't get the syntax error bit. What I found it to be was that R CMD goes
through the R code files and picks out all the parameters to pass to a function,
then if it sees that there is an undocumented parameter flags a warning. I
certainly had a couple of undocumented parameters I hadn't noticed.

Yours may be the same sort of thing.

Regards, David.

**  Dr. David Lucy                                                  **
**  Joseph Bell Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning  **
**  Department of Mathematics and Statistics                        **
**  The University of Edinburgh                                     **
**  James Clerk Maxwell Building                                    **
**  King's Buildings                                                **
**  Mayfield Road                                                   **
**  Edinburgh                                                       **
**  EH9 3JZ                                                         **
**                                                                  **
**  tel: 0131 650 5057                                              **
**  extension: 505057                                               **
**  e-mail: dlucy at maths.ed.ac.uk                                    **
**                                                                  **
**  Truncated address:                                              **
**                                                                  **
**  Dr. David Lucy                                                  **
**  Department of Mathematics                                       **
**  JCMB                                                            **
**  King's Buildings                                                **
**  Edinburgh University                                            **
**  Edinburgh                                                       **
**  EH9 3JZ                                                         **

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