[R] Newsgroup - conclusion

Pesl Thomas thomas.pesl at arcs.ac.at
Wed Sep 5 08:45:49 CEST 2001

| |> By the way: At this point I have not recieved my own question.
| That might be because the subject has acquired 'AW:' as a prefix.  If
| you sort by subject, it comes a long way down the list.

No I just wanted to show my lag.

My conclusion is, that there are definetly some people here that are not
able to connect to a (fast) newsgroup server. I did not see that problem.
The news-email-gateway seems to be very problematic. So all in all it looks
to me as if it is the best way like it is now. Martin Maechler pointed out
that the problem for the moment, why I have sometimes a big lag is the
mailserver, which seems to be very busy. This could change in the near

I did not know that there are mail programs that can do threading, maybe I
will search for one.

The question was posted again because I first did not get a real response.
Now I see the problems and understand them.

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