[R] interpolation and numerical differentiation in R ?

Philippe Grosjean phgrosje at ulb.ac.be
Sun Sep 2 09:32:34 CEST 2001

About interpolation, note that a new package is in construction which will
provide some more interpolations methods, including area method... and also
some functions for calculating best regular interval to keep much of the
irregular serie information (for instance, using turning points, i.e.,
information theory). Some code is already available at
http://www.sciviews/_passtec. For the moment, it is in French only and code
is not packaged into a library yet. But you could get an idea of what it can
do at a quick glance by browsing the manual (if you can read French). Final
library with manual in English will be uploaded to CRAN in 4 or 5 months. It
could help or not depending on your requirements...

All the best,

Philippe Grosjean

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( ( ( ( ( 	|__)              	|  _
 ) ) ) ) )	|   hilippe       	|__)rosjean
( ( ( ( ( 	Marine Biol. Lab., ULB, Belgium
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 ) ) ) ) )

>> See interpSpline in the splines library.
>> When evaluating the interpolating spline produced by interpSpline you
>> can specify that you want derivatives instead of the function value.

>perfect.  I'd use predict.bSpline, it seems.

>My problem was that I started looking in the wrong place. I was wandering
>around the documentation on the web site, which I was unable to search
>(pdf files).  Now that I've installed R, and can search I see that R has
>an enormous number of functions which will be useful to me.  I didn't get
>that impression from the 'Basics' book, though the book will be very
>helpful as I get used to the data structures.

>I think I'm going to like this language/package.

>Thank you!

>-Robert Merithew

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