[R] R and SAS

Janne Pitkäniemi Janne.Pitkaniemi at ktl.fi
Thu May 31 14:58:05 CEST 2001


    I'm trying to read SAS-data on VAX/VMS to Windows R using
    foreign pakage read.xport and experience some problems.

    Following lines are used in SAS to create XPORT file

     LIBNAME a ''xxx;
     LIBNAME b XPORT '';

     PROC COPY IN=a OUT=b;


   and I succeed in getting file that looks like correct xport
   when typing in R following lines


  I get message

 Error in lookup.xport(file) : SAS transfer file has incorrect library

 Does anyone has advice ? Is the problem in VAX/VMS SAS XPORT file ?

Janne Pitkaniemi
National Public Health Institute, Finland

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