TR: [R] Scripting capabilities for R
Philippe Grosjean
phgrosje at
Wed May 30 15:13:00 CEST 2001
>>>>> "PG" == Philippe Grosjean <phgrosje at> writes:
PG> I am interested by your list of students wishes, since I am
PG> developing a GPL user interface for math/stat calculation
PG> engines (among others: R and Splus, but also Octave, Scilab
PG> and Mathematica,...). It will run under Windows only (for the
PG> moment), but will be able to interact with calculation engines
PG> on other computers in the network, including Unix/Linux
PG> boxes. Do your students asked for some more specific features?
A.J. Rossini wrote:
>These feature are exactly what ESS does (and more), except that it
>runs today, and it happens to use Emacs (and the interface, at least
>under XEmacs, is undergoing revision for friendlyness, including
>features such as "summary tooltips", toolbars (with "click and
>execute", "switch source/log files" currently existing for SAS in
>development code), etc...).
If you are happy with ESS, then you are a lucky man because you certainly
have all what you need! I am not happy with it. Emacs is the kingdom of
text. Text buffers everywhere. I believe in the power of graphics in stats(I
mean interactive graphics in the user interface, not just separate static
graphic windows). I you have tried the new Matlab 6.0 user interface for
Window, you'll know what I am talking about! That's what I am doing. It is
not ESS/Emacs. It is different.
Best regards,
Philippe Grosjean
) ) ) ) ) __ __
( ( ( ( ( |__) | _
) ) ) ) ) | hilippe |__)rosjean
( ( ( ( ( Marine Biol. Lab., ULB, Belgium
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