[R] Scripting capabilities for R

Bill Oliver wloliver at qwest.net
Wed May 30 04:28:27 CEST 2001

Students who are using R and S-Plus under Windows may want to try out Uwe
Ligges's plugin for the WinEdt text editor. They can find it at


R-WinEdt can be used for coding in R and S-Plus. In fact, it makes it quite
easy to switch back and forth between R and S-Plus, for those who need to
use Trellis graphics and the Hmisc package. I find the R-WinEdt interface to
be wonderfully simple and elegant. Note that the WinEdt editor is not free,
so your students will have to pay $30 US after a trial period of a month.
WinEdt is also a very fine LaTeX editor.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Feldesman" <feldesmanm at pdx.edu>
To: <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: [R] Scripting capabilities for R

> I'm in the final week of teaching a course to beginners using R and
> S-Plus.  Since I forbade the students from using the "point-and-click"
> interface in S-Plus, they've become reasonably proficient at using the
> command line in both programs.


> 4)  Scripting capabilities.
> Of these 4, their priority is for R to have S-Plus scripting capability.
> realize that they can get this using Emacs with ESS, but I found it
> sufficiently daunting to teach rank beginners how to use R/S-Plus
> proficiently in 10 weeks that teaching them how to use Emacs/ESS at the
> same time scares the bejesus out of me.
> I haven't seen any mention of this as a development priority.  Is any of
> this on anyone's "to do" list?
> Thanks for such an incredibly robust program.  Keep up the great work.

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